
Importance of environment and energy performance

Within the scope of its Environmental Policy, Anadolu Isuzu is committed to creating a sustainable environmental management system by continuously improving the environmental performance of its production activities, products and services, without compromising the natural balances of the resources, by complying with the required legislative obligations and the expectations of the concerned parties and by preventing environmental pollution at its source. It is also committed to continuous protection of the environment in line with these goals.


Environmental management at Anadolu Isuzu

In line with this, Anadolu Isuzu carries out various projects in which internal and external contexts in terms of climate change and consumption of natural resources are taken into account.

Anadolu Isuzu develops innovative and sustainable projects to improve environmental performance of its production operations, products and services and to minimize their environmental impacts without disturbing the natural balance.

One of the main goals of the Company is the reduction of emissions, water pollution and environmental impacts of hazardous and non-hazardous waste resulting from the Company’s operations at the point of origin. Anadolu Isuzu monitors the technology closely to take steps in reducing those impacts and integrate environmental friendly technologies which conform to its processes.

Adopting environmental impact areas throughout the product life cycle as the foundation of its environmental policy, Anadolu Isuzu is always focused on measuring and reducing its environmental footprint.

Anadolu Isuzu follows environmental regulations closely in Turkey and Europe and structured the Environmental Management System in its factory within the frame of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard. Compliance of the Company’s operations with ISO 14001 is monitored and verified by periodic independent audits.

Highlights from Anadolu Isuzu's Environmental Performance in 2018

Total Energy Consumption

72.327 Gj

Savings Achieved Through Energy Efficiency Projects

3.085 Gj

Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Vehicle Manufactured (kg CO2e/vehicle)


Total VOC Emissions (tons)


Water Consumption per Vehicle Manufactured (m3/vehicle)


Environment Trainings Offered to Employees - Attendance (number of employees)


Penalties for Non-compliance with Environmental Regulations


Environmental Impact Complaints Conveyed Through Formal Mechanisms


19% improvement in the VOC emissions

Anadolu Isuzu constantly monitors and controls the release of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions released into the atmosphere within the scope of its production activities. The company reports the cumulative VOC values annually to the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. Short and medium term projects are developed with the aim of reducing these values. Thanks to these efforts, the 2018 VOC values were improved by 19% compared to the previous year.

Anadolu Isuzu aims to lower the VOC limits to much lower values within the scope of the European Union climate change studies. In 2018 the company continued to conduct extensive work to the transition to new legal limits.

Calculation of greenhouse gas emission values for 2018 completed.

Anadolu Isuzu has focused on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at the Şekerpınar production site. In this context, the Company has carried out a number of activities aimed at minimizing the impact of its processes and products on the environment.

In 2018, the Anadolu Isuzu production plant continued to be a low-emission plant on the basis of current process and energy consumption data. Work on Greenhouse gas reduction is conducted in parallel with the energy efficiency projects.

Water consumption per vehicle cut by 12%.

Anadolu Isuzu aims at the sustainability of water resources, which will gain more importance than all other resources in future periods, and in this vein conducts work to reduce water consumption in its processes. As a result of these efforts, the amount of water consumed per vehicle produced has been cut by 12% when compared to the arithmetic average of the last two years.

Anadolu Isuzu commissioned the Online Water Monitoring System in 2018, which will enable the monitoring of department based water consumption throughout the organization. The system is planned to create specific projects on a departmental basis.

Reduction in volume of water entering wastewater treatment plant.

There are two different wastewater treatment systems - industrial and domestic - in the treatment plant, which has been in operation since the establishment of the Anadolu Isuzu Plant. Thanks to the high-tech and environmentally friendly practices that have been adopted, the pollutant values of the output from the Anadolu Isuzu wastewater treatment plant are well below the limits set out by the applicable legislation in Turkey.

In 2018, as a result of the improvement projects implemented in water consumption, a decrease in the amount of water entering our wastewater treatment plant and a reduction in the treatment chemical consumption was achieved.

30% reduction in waste output per vehicle

Anadolu Isuzu implements a department-based waste inventory management system in order to incorporate the different departments at its plants into the waste reduction efforts. In this context, the implementation of line-based waste officers in production departments continued. Projects aimed at cutting waste arising from each department’s own processes were implemented.

The roll out of waste reduction projects within the organization continued to have a positive impact on the efforts to reduce the amount of waste per vehicle. The waste reduction projects carried out on the Truck and Bus Paint Shop and Bus Main Assembly lines received the Anadolu Isuzu Environmental Awards. In addition, the environmental projects implemented received third prize in the preliminary evaluation presentations of the Anadolu Group Bi-Fikir (an Idea). Anadolu Isuzu realized a 30% improvement in specific waste consumption per vehicle when compared to the figures for the last two years.